Enka Middle Career Day

Today was Career Day at Enka Middle!

In all, we had 30 speakers representing a wide array of careers – doctor, engineer, auto mechanic, wildlife officer, physical therapist, county commissioner, chef, attorney and more! Every student in the school got to learn about six different careers in the morning. Later in the day, the 7th graders were also treated to a wonderful presentation by Kevin Barnette, motivational speaker and coach at Mars Hill University.

A few favorite quotes from the students:

"I liked learning about the different career options and learning how to get the career you want!" "I learned to never give up!" "I learned that you can follow your goal starting now to make life easier." "I learned how to be the best me possible!"

Thanks to all our volunteer speakers and the staff at Enka Middle for making this day possible!

To see images from the day, click here.
