Please Join Us
  • 8am - 10am Experience the Middle Grades Network in Action
    YMI Cultural Center, 39 S. Market Street

    You will learn more about the strategies local school and community partners are building together to create safe, welcoming and compassionate learning environments for our all. We'll highlight their work on building community resilience and supporting students and families with trauma-informed best practices. 


  • 5:30pm - 7:00pm Leveraging National Lessons Locally
    Van Winkle Law Firm Board Room
    11 North Market Street

Building upon the morning session, we will hear from Marty Blank, a national leader in building community and school partnerships. Marty will share the lessons learned by cities across the nation, including Albuquerque NM and Portland OR, and how they've transformed education, financial and health outcomes for their communities using the same strategy we are using here.

We will then discuss how to take the efforts already underway locally, to scale, by enlisting a broad coalition of support for students, families and their communities.

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