Women of Mission Health Help Bring Gift of Reading to Local Students

Submitted by Elisabeth on Mon, 12/19/2016 - 3:58pm

"When we asked Dr. Jill Hoggard-Green if she would be willing to make a contribution that would enable a two to one match on book donations to our annual Holiday Book Drive for middle school youth, she didn't hesitate to say yes. This kind and generous spirit is evident throughout the Mission Health system and I feel fortunate that I get to connect these amazing people to such rich opportunities." Elizabeth Allen, United Way


Women United: 2,000 Books Wrapped (and counting)!

Last night at Hi-Wire brewing, members of Women United wrapped more than 2,000 books for local middle school kids this holiday season!

"Looking around the room, I was grateful for your presence and humbled to witness a servant spirit in volunteering your evening to benefit students right here in Asheville and Buncombe County," said Leadership Giving Manager Elizabeth Allen. "You are sharing the gift of dreaming, imagination, and, of course reading."


Girls on the Run 5K

"It was really fun to see the girls’ faces as they rounded the last corner to the finish line and realized they were seconds away from accomplishing what they had been working towards for weeks"

We were so excited to take part in the Girls on the Run of Western North Carolina 5K race at the Asheville Outlets this weekend. 


The Community Foundation of WNC Awards Grant to United Way

Submitted by Elisabeth on Tue, 12/06/2016 - 1:48pm

We are proud to announce that our newest community project, Homework Diners, will be supported through a People In Need Grant from The Community Foundation of WNC. Their investment will go a long way to ensure that we will be able to provide a free, fresh and healthy, weekly meal at three local middle schools in the coming year.

UWABC Hosts Special Gathering of the Asheville Buncombe Middle Grades Network

Submitted by Molly Milroy on Fri, 11/04/2016 - 2:20pm

The Asheville Buncombe Middle Grades Network brings together Asheville City Schools, Buncombe County Schools and community partners around a shared vision of creating success ready 9th graders and improving graduation rates, using a collective impact approach.

This week, United Way of Asheville and Buncombe County’s Middle School Success Initiative hosted a two day conference with members of the Middle Grades Network.

Story collection tool

Stories matter. They help make our mission more memorable. But we’re all so busy, we rarely have time to go get them. But when we’re out and about in Asheville and Buncombe County and mention where we work, people often tell us a story about how the UWABC helped them or someone they know. Every time this happens, please hand the person your business card and say, “That’s a great story. Would you mind emailing me that story?” If everyone does this, then the stories will start coming to us. Please fill out this webform with those stories.