Middle School - It Happens to Everyone

Today launches the third Middle School Success public awareness campaign by United Way. 

Why raise awareness of middle school?

Have you even been in middle school or junior high school?  Do you remember the awkwardness and confusion of that time?  Do you remember thinking that your parents, teachers or other adults just don’t get it?  The public awareness campaign is intended to remind the adults in this community that we were there once ourselves and that we need to support and encourage youth in our community who are dealing with the middle school years.


Don't Avoid the Topic of Guns

I doubt many of us made it through the holidays without thinking of the mass  shooting  in Newtown Connecticut..  Such a horrific event penetrates the armor of the most hardened of us.  So as we figure out ways to move on, we face two options:

1. Let time diminish our feelings about it
2. Keep the tragedy alive enough to have a national discussion about it
