Governor Cooper Visits Equal Plates Project at Thanksgiving


When our staff received a call from the Governor's team, looking for a holiday volunteer opportunity in the Asheville area, Audrey Blackburn, United Way's Volunteer Manager knew exactly what to do. She opened up our volunteer website,, and searched the public database to find an opportunity that might fit the Governor's schedule and interests. She found the perfect match: plating food with Equal Plates Project.

Elisabeth Tue, 11/28/2023 - 9:14am
The Warrior Wellness Center at Erwin Middle School is officially open!

Press Release by Buncombe County Schools, Blue Ridge Health, and United Way of Asheville and Buncombe County

bpepke Wed, 10/18/2023 - 1:44pm

Educators - Community Nights Are For You Too!

Are you, or have you ever been, a teacher? Are you passionate about education and community building? This story is for you.

On an almost weekly basis, something pretty cool happens here in Buncombe County. Local families with K-12 kids can come to one of seven local schools and be a part of Community Nights (featuring Homework Diners). Free to all, families can enjoy a healthy meal, get academic support,  tap into some local community resources, and build relationships with other families and educators.