Shifting Gears to Meet a New School Year at Owen Middle


Shifting Gears to Meet a New School Year at Owen Middle

A new school year in a pandemic means an entirely new set of needs and support systems for teachers, students, administrators, and the many organizations that work alongside them. Josh Wells, United Way Community School Coordinator at Owen Middle School, says he's prepared for the challenge, exploring a whole new world of virtual tutors, small scale learning pods outside the school building, and opportunities for increased connectivity and access around the school district.

Finding A New Normal...

He's working with community partners as they shift and adjust how they typically meet students as volunteers, mentors, and care providers. "Even though it's only this week that we're in-person together, I have really enjoyed seeing many of the students outside the screen again," he says. "It still doesn't feel normal, but seeing the smiling eyes of the kids has really been a highlight of my week."

( *Photo on left from Owen Middle School of a student in-class during the first week)


A True Test of a Community School in Action

While this continues to be a challenge in reconfiguring systems on all fronts, teachers, school staff, and community partners, including Wells, have worked diligently together through the summer to help meet students and families changing needs. You might recall the inspiring story we shared around the work of Bounty & Soul, Owen Middle teachers and social workers, Buncombe County School staff, and United Way all working together to meet families each week this summer. And that work will continue-- ensuring food, clothing, hygiene items, and school supplies donated through our School Supply Drive are accessible to all. (*Photos to the left of the first day of class at Owen Middle School from Buncombe County Schools)


Staying Connected and Ensuring Needs Are Met

Through check-in text messages, school surveys, meal deliveries, and drive-through food markets, community ties strengthened through the summer in the face of the Coronavirus crisis, a true test of a Community School in action. With school back in session, a weekly survey will be sent from school counselors to families to check-in around their shifting needs from week to week. The Student Services team, Wells and United Way intern Katelyn Lowery from Appalachian State University, will all work together to help fill those needs--reaching out to stay connected with families, connecting with community partners, and building supply boxes for delivery to ensure their needs are being met-- all elements of the Community School Strategy.
