Throughout our 100+ year history, we've built our culture around the premise that individuals banding together can create real, tangible change. We believe that when given that opportunity, people rise to the occasion. They seek out like-minded individuals — looking for social connectedness, active participation, and a sense of belonging, all in pursuit of a strong, resilient community.
Co-creating a community with successful students, strong families, and engaged citizenry takes commitment. For United Way of Asheville and Buncombe County (UWABC) that commitment takes the form of collaboration. We hold no illusions that a single organization or individual can create the systemic-wide community change needed for the benefit of all. That’s why we intentionally play the role of convener — understanding the importance, power, and passion of people to bring about change.
As we move forward as an organization that is committed to equity, we embrace the idea that our work must be guided by those most impacted by the issues we seek to improve. This includes lifting up, listening to, and learning from our youth, community, and partners.
Our Community
UWABC's Board of Directors guides our organization, strategically planning to ensure our success. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
UWABC's staff work in collaboration to build strategies and programs that benefit students and families.
UWABC's volunteers give their time and talent freely in support of students and families. XXXXXXXXXXX
UWABC's donors make generous gifts ensuring the success of our community strategies and programs.
UWABC's partners help formulate and implement our community strategies and programs.
Stay Engaged
Help us ACCELERATE our impact on youth and families, CO-CREATE solutions with those most impacted by poverty and injustice, and SUSTAIN our efforts for future generations.

Hands On Asheville-Buncombe United Way's Volunteer Center offers opportunities to build a UNITED and resilient community.

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