Voting Information and Resources

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 10/02/2018 - 4:37pm
United Way is committed to the idea that when citizens give, advocate and volunteer, our community is stronger. Voting is one way to advocate. This page offers resources and links to educate you on issues and the voting process in general. Should you have questions, please contact or call 828-768-4559.

Voting Information and Resources

2018 Elections: The general election will be Tuesday, November 6th. 
Early voting is a great opportunity not only to vote but, if you are not registered, to register. This is called Same Day Registration and is only available during early voting, NOT on election day. Here is the list of early voting dates, times and locations for Buncombe County. Early voting should be starting in all counties on Wednesday, October 17th and run through Saturday, November 3rd.
IMPORTANT: In the short session of the NC General Assembly, 6 constitutional amendments were approved to be on the ballot this fall. Here is an explanation of each of the 6 amendments, including the pro and con rationale, and the positions taken by the North Carolina Center for Nonprofits. 
Candidate Guides Now Available: Democracy NC and Common Cause NC have put together s nonpartisan guide to the candidates on your ballot in Buncombe County. The guide also includes the important races for judges. You can get your copy of the guide at the Children First/Communities in Schools office at 50 S. French Broad Ave, Suite 246. 
IMPORTANT:  Events covering voting issues are promoted on this online calendar. If you are interested in voter registration, education, turnout, and advocacy, you can check the calendar for events, trainings and activities covering these issues and more.
IMPORTANT: The US Court of Appeals for the 4th District on Friday, July 29th, 2016, overturned many elements of the 2013 NC Voter Law.
Here are five key changes that everyone should know:
  • You do NOT need a photo ID to vote in elections.
  • Early Voting returns to 17 days
  • Same day registration is back for Early Voting. That means you can register to vote and vote during Early Voting.
  • Out-of-precinct voting requires the Board of Elections in each county to count the provisional ballot of an Election Day voter who appears at the wrong precinct, but in the correct county. However, your votes will only count for those candidates or issues that are on your ballot.
  • Pre-registration is permitted for 16- and 17-year-olds, when obtaining driver’s licenses or attending high school registration drives, to identify themselves and indicate their intent to vote when they turn 18. 
How can I check whether I am registered at my current address under my current name? How can I get my sample ballot? The NC Board of Elections Public Voter Search page offers you the opportunity to check your registration and get your sample ballot.
  • Enter your “full” first and last name and, if it comes up, check the "I am not a robot" box. For common names, you can also select your county to filter responses. Select the link with your name and you will get your Voter Information page.
  • At the bottom of your Voter Information page, there is a blue box titled Sample Ballots. 
If I have questions about voting, what is the best resource to get my questions answered? The Buncombe County Board of Elections is a valuable resource. You can call them at 828-250-4200 or visit their office at 77 McDowell Street in Asheville.
How can I get the latest information on voting? United Way encourages people to pledge to vote. By pledging to vote, you will receive e-newsletters before elections with updated, nonpartisan information on the election. These timely e-newsletters offer information on issues, processes, candidates and more.
Please feel free to encourage others to pledge to vote.