2019-20 Homework Diner Series Launched This Week

Submitted by Elisabeth on Mon, 09/23/2019 - 11:24am


September 23 marks the launch of the 2019-20 Homework Diner season. Nearly 8,000 meals were served at the 2018-19 Homework Diners. 

If you aren't already familiar, Homework Diners are a collaborative effort between United Way of Asheville and Buncombe County, Asheville City Schools, Buncombe County Schools and a number of our Middle Grades Network Partners. We appreciate the YMCA of WNC who is helping us connect to federal resources to offset some of our food costs for students.

Just the Facts

  • Homework Diners are held at Enka, Erwin, Owen and Asheville Middle Schools
  • These events are open to anyone who lives in Buncombe County with a K-12 student 
  • Students and their WHOLE family can attend
  • Families share a healthy meal and get homework and tutoring assistance from local teachers and volunteers
  • Local nonprofits and public services are often on-site to provide further information and support to families 
  • Homework Diners are held weekly unless it is a school holiday or early release day (including snow days)

Homework Diner Schedule

Monday, 5:30-7:00 p.m., Erwin Middle School

Tuesday, 5:00-7:00 p.m., Asheville Middle School  + 5:30-7:00 p.m. at Enka Middle School

Thursday, 5:30-7:00 p.m., Owen Middle School

Upcoming and Special Opportunities 

  • Erwin will host Multi-Cultural night on Oct 21 - this is always a fun night when families from all cultures share a little bit of themselves with their neighbors
  • Enka is hosting a Health Fair on November 5 with the help of a local partner, Specialized Physical Therapy
  • We're thrilled that the good folks at AMOS (Asheville Museum of Science) will be sharing fun and educational games and activities at a number of the Homework Diners throughout the year
  • Pop Up Food Markets will now be a regular feature at Homework Diners! Enka, Erwin and Asheville markets are held once a month courtesy of the Buncombe County Community Engagement Team and Owen is held weekly by our friends at Bounty and Soul. The schedule:
  • Erwin - 2nd Monday of the month 
  • Enka - 1st Tuesday of the month 
  • Asheville - 3rd Tuesday of the month 
  • Owen - weekly 

Why are we hosting Homework Diners?

  • More than 14,500 students qualified for free and reduced lunch. That’s about 52% of our students.
  • Of low wealth students, 17% don’t graduate from high school.
  • The racial academic and opportunity gap in our community is at an unprecedented level. Additionally, gaps continue to exist for English learning students, economically disadvantaged students and those with learning challenges.

The long-term impact of not having a diploma can be profound. As adults, the students who don’t graduate are:

  • three times more likely to live in poverty;
  • six times more likely to be arrested; and
  • more likely to have a shorter lifespan - nine years on average.
Not graduating from high school impacts the future of every child, their families and the social and economic vitality of our whole community. We believe that every child in our community deserves a fighting chance. And they’ll have that chance if their families and neighborhoods are safe and strong.
That's why United Way of Asheville and Buncombe County is working with Asheville City Schools, Buncombe County Schools and a network of more than 50 local service providers, to organize the resources needed to better support the health, education and financial stability of local students, their families and neighboring communities. By using our local middle schools as a district-wide hub for services, we can find new ways to address the needs of the community. While we have a long way to go to reach our vision, Homework Diners represent a solid example of the kinds of opportunities that can be created for our community when we pool our resources and volunteer talent. 

Get Involved

We need Tutors!! Volunteer as an individual or as a group. Learn more and sign up here.