Children First / Communities In Schools


Children First/Communities In Schools addresses the challenges to academic achievement that children not born to privilege experience by empowering K-6 students and surrounding them with a community of support in school, after school, and in their homes and communities. We work to strengthen relationships with children and families by keeping students on track for academic success while using public policy to build a more family-friendly, affordable Buncombe County. 

Buncombe County Schools


As a member of the United for Youth Network, we commit to:

Equity: Buncombe County Schools recognizes that different students need different resources to achieve the same goals as their peers. Educational equity is the belief and practice of ensuring that every student is treated in a fair and just manner. We will address equity in the following ways:

Asheville City Schools Foundation


The Asheville City Schools Foundation’s mission is to collaborate with our community to do whatever it takes for all Asheville City Schools students to thrive. All of our programs are grounded in a pursuit of equity, desire to magnify the genius, encourage the curiosity, celebrate the joy, and support the aspirations of students and teachers.

Find us online at and on social - Facebook: @ACSFound Instagram: @ACSF828